Exploring what a Practitioner Membership is like with Sky Buckles and Michelle Shields.
Conscious Healing with Sky Buckles talks with fellow Zone Technique Certified Practitioner Michelle Shields about remote healing using the zone technique and other methods of holistic healing. Michelle shares her Practitioner Coaching | Healing | Mentoring Membership experience and how it has improved her overall life and health. In mind, body, and soul. To schedule a remote healing session with Michelle: Phone: 517-920-2254 Email: healthyzonewithmichelle@outlook.com FB: https://www.facebook.com/zoneyourheal... Conscious Healing with Sky offers Mentoring and Personal Healing memberships to practitioners of natural healing and individuals interested in learning the mind body connection for a better understanding of how healing works. If you are ready to heal from physical and/or emotional pain, raise your consciousness and your vibration, and live an overall better quality of life, please visit www.skybuckles.com Life a more fulfilling life with great health, more joy, improved relationships, and better results with patients/clients.